Guide to Using Snowbird

To access (on UMich VPN or campus Wi-Fi):

ssh <uniquname>

Or, if you are off-campus and don’t want to use VPN, you can also do:

ssh -J <uniqname> <uniquname>


Snowbird is a lab-owned server sitting in BBB 2912. It has the following hardware:

  • CPU: Intel Xeon Silver 4216 @ 32x 3.2GHz
  • Memory: 64GB
  • Disk: 1TB SSD + 4TB HDD
  • System: Ubuntu 18.04 DO NOT UPGRADE

The intention of this compute is to help with tasks that is not doable on Great Lakes such as:

  • Human subject data collection
  • Developing software in ROS to use on our PAL TIAGo SLEDBot

For these reasons, all users are given sudo access on Snowbird. Remember, with great sudo power comes great responsibility. Be responsible and know what you are doing before doing it!

All Ph.D. students in the lab has been added as a user. For SLED mentees who need access to Snowbird, please ask your mentor to add you as a user following guide to adding new user.

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